Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Task 8 - Evaluation

This is the final evaluation of my work, Overall I believed that I produced a good standard of work, At the start i chose too make the dungeon and coming into the end i ran into some complications and had too limit the amount of work I put into it. But i do believe i kept too the criteria and have completed the task set, I produced my own blog and shown my time management skills and i am happy with the content i have produced. I made my own textures and made sure everything was modular so when you look back too my blog you will see that it is all made from one block and all the textures are the same. So i am happy with my standard of work.

Task 7 - Presentation

Task 6 – Prototype/Flythrough Build

The images below are screen shots from the fly through i did a few weeks ago this is just too help slightly showcase the work I've done and show you a few aspects of it.

This beginning screenshot is of the main area where you will begin when first entering ym level. As you can see it is pretty simple with basic tone walls and a few doors too your left before being able to go down a corridor.

This next image is of the area you come too once following the corridor from the main area later on this will be the torture room

Third area where maybe singular assets can be placed.

Task 5 – Environment Build

The following is showing the production of my level, Which consists off taking all my modular pieces i have textured and modeled and putting them together too create my final peace. Above you can see the basic model were everything you see linked too my model this is its origin one block which is 3 meters by 3 meters, You set the size too help keep everything in the correct place basically and just makes putting things together easier.  

So as i said above this will consist of me putting things together, Above is the beginning of putting all my modular pieces together too make the basic outline of my model and later too fill in the middle and finish off my design. As you can see in the image there is a small man placed into the scene that Is too check that the model is the right size when the fly through needs too be recorded

Finally the textures you can see in the design pack i finally added them too the blocks which aloud me too begin putting it together so as you can see it is very simple originating from one block and texture i was able too create my outlines shape and fill in the middle.

The final image is off all my walls put together from the block and all textured and i also used a default texture too give the floor as i was running out of time. As you can see from the image it's very simple one black just copied and pasted multiple times too create a level.


Task 4 – Legal and Ethical Checklist

The image below is of the form filled out too complete the legal and ethical checklist of my work.

Task 3 – Design Pack

The following image below is of the early stages of my level, Showcasing the shape I have decided too go with. As i have decided too go with the Dungeon design I decided too try and keep corridors very narrow as you can see as from research i saw that there wasn't much space in those times, Especially for prisoners.

As you can see too fit the modular design i have gone with too make the actual production much easier the image below shows the design without the original blocks as i decided too make the blocks 3 meters by 3 meters m too make the production easier as i have stated.

As my design is modular based there are only a few textures needed too actually construct my level and give it the dungeon feel, The image below is the first and i would say main texture used as it is used all the way around for the walls and also used for the brick behind the door.

As i mentioned in the text above i said that i had a door which was Photoshop onto the stone brick background you can see above. I selected this door as i felt it fit very well with the design and was easy too integrate into the back ground. These are the only two images i needed too use as the modular nature of my design made it very simple and easy too create my final level.

Task 2 – Setting Research and Ideas Generation

Castle - Set in a prison beneath a castle during the medieval period. The setting is dingy, damp, dirty, dark and oppressive. There is evidence of torture and interrogation.

Spacestation - Set in the distant future, but designed like a 1970s vision of the future, featuring over-the-top, dated futuristic technology. It is clear that something has caused the crew to leave suddenly.

Hospital- Set in a 1940s era American hospital. US soldiers returning from Japan have brought back a mysterious, but deadly virus which has pushed the health system to breaking point.

The Setting I have chose for my for my 3D Environment is the Castle setting. My Level will have too portray 'A prison beneath a castle during the medieval period. The setting is dingy, damp, dirty, dark and oppressive. There is evidence of torture and interrogation'. Below will be a culmination of the examples i will use as inspiration for my final 3D Environment.

 This Is the type of setting I would like to give my 3D environment. My idea is too have more emphasis of the dark past of the prison and the fact that torture took place. As you can see from this picture lighting will be a key factor in setting the ambiance of the level. This picture will 100% provide input onto the color scheme and lighting that will be used during the creation of my 3D Environment.

This next picture is of the historical references i have used, Focusing on the realistic aspect of the level is a high priority for me . I have looked at multiple examples of medieval dungeon architecture and i have selected a few i will reference from when creating textures and other media for my Level. 

As you can see this is the type of conditions many people would be in and is a realistic interpretation of what i would like to create having the dark, small and dingy spaces that aren't well lit referring back too the lighting.

The next set of pictures will be referencing how the outside of the castle will look as i have yet too decide i need too decide what i need too make the castle out if if it to be wood or stone and what textures too use, I believe referencing from real life objects and places is the best way too produce my work.

Lancaster Castle is a medieval castle in Lancaster in the English county of Lancashire. Its early history is unclear, but may have been founded in the 11th century on the site of a Roman fort overlooking a crossing of the River Lune.

As you can see i have reference real life objects i like the stone textures of the walls and i will use this when sculpting my final model as it ius good in its design and significance too what i am doing.